Vim as your daily log notebook

There are probably hundreds of methods and software that have been written that can help you maintain a notebook that contains your daily logs and notes. I have tried tens of methods and software and after a few days they just feel like bloat or take up too much time... [Read More]

Installing Apache Allura on Digital Ocean

Installing Apache Allura on your Digital Ocean droplet is now as easy as typing make install. Apache Allura is a Software Forge that powers Today, I created a Makefile that simplifies the process of setting up Allura on a Digital Ocean droplet. The source code... [Read More]

Building Planet GSoC

There were many emails in the GSoC mailing list regarding ‘sharing’ blogs with the GSoC community. Many GSoC students keep blogs to track their progress. It becomes really tough to track hundreds of blogs so I thought of starting a blog aggregator. Most of the solutions that had been developed... [Read More]

Participating in Google Summer of Code 2016

This summer I will be working on an open source project called Apache Allura. This software powers and is developed under the Apache Software Foundation. My mentors are Dave Brondsema and Heith Seewald who have been guiding me along the way during the application... [Read More]

Twitter bots using Tweepy

Unable to think what to tweet about? Have you ever faced a similar situation? Well, it’s very easy to create your own bots using python’s Tweepy module. You can use these skeletons I recently made for a workshop on the same topic. All you need to... [Read More]